Friday, December 11, 2015

Gay could now marry legally

In the blog titled "It Is Accomplished" written by Andrew Sullivan is about how same sex marriage is now legal. The blogger himself says he is also gay, and I support that. When I read his blog, it touched my heart a little. Every detail he uses is perfect, and explains what had happened and how it impacted the nation. He also says that he is grateful to be living in the time where people who are attracted to same sex finally have the right to marry his/her partner legally without any consequences.

 When I first saw this on the news, I was shocked because I never knew this would happen in my lifetime, and I would expect that it's basically the same reaction Andrew Sullivan had. When he talks about how the future generation who also accept that their gay will never know how it was when it was not legal to marry. This is by far one of my favorite blogs I have read, well done Andrew Sullivan.

U.S. willing to attack ISIS

In an article written by Helen Cooper, Matthew Rosenberg and Michael R. Gordon called "U.S. is Willing to Use Attack Helicopters to help Fight ISIS", the United States is planning on assisting the Iraqi army on fighting against ISIS. The weapon of choice are Helicopters. This in my opinion is a huge step because there are many risks, but it is something The willing to do to stop the fighting. The Pentagon officials are also willing to take this risk because there aren't that many people and they're not giants, so an airstrike should be enough to obliterate them all at once. The authors tone seem like they agree to what the U.S. is doing, but in my opinion I feel that using helicopters is just overdoing it and could take a lot of money just to destroy 20,000 to 30,000 people. It is complete overkill.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Obama nominates first openly gay military service chief

Fox News wrote on article on President Barack Obama nominating Eric Fanning to be the nation's first openly gay military service chief. This is a historic moment because the nomination came in good time when Obama administration was working to eliminate the barriers of sexuality or gender in the military service. According to the article, homosexuals weren't allowed to serve the military unless they kept their sexuality a secret, which I think it was pretty cruel to do, until Obamas first term repealed the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. For this very reason, Obama nominated Fanning to lead the army and now it must be confirmed by the Senate, who he would be able to replace John McHugh.

This article is really worth the reading because it really shows how far we have progressed from having homosexuals keeping their sexuality a secret, to now having the army being open with their sexuality and maybe having the first openly gay military service chief.